Introducing Little May Papery
Introducing Little May Papery!
Why Little May? Coming up with a new name to fit a company that you have had for 4 years was like fitting a square peg in a round hole. This small shift seems to be truthful narration of who we are, whilst allowing us a fresh new look. I always loved that we had ‘Little’ as part of the name to represent me. Then, the month of May is a special month for us (Adam & I got married in May) and also my darling Ella’s middle name. It made sense and felt like the peg just fit.
What is a Papery? It’s a made up word that for me represents our little paper studio, as we grow and introduce more members to the Little May team, Papery helped represent that growth and give it more of a creative studio vibe. When I started Little Me 4 years ago it was something I did as a creative outlet whilst working a 9-5. It’s evolved so much over the past few years and has become not only my full time job, but my passion.I feel so fortunate to love what I do and journey through this adventure with you all with me. Whilst this change was necessary (for reasons beyond my control) it was also perfect timing. It allowed me to be nostalgic about where we have come and curious about where we are going.
Thank you for sticking around whilst we have been making this change - this little online community is literally the back bone to my business.
Love always,